Dates - 06/09/2010 - 09/09/2010
Location - Brno, Czech Rep
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, participants in the 23rd conference Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – ILASS Europe 2010,
This hard copy comprises abstracts of oral papers and posters. All of these presentations were reviewed and accepted by the Conference Scientific Committee. You can find all of these presentations on the flash disc in your Conference bag.
The 23rd annual conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – ILASS Europe 2010 in this format is taking place in the Czech Republic for the first time. The organizer is the Brno University of Technology, in particular the Energy Institute of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The Conference is very important so it is organized under the auspices of Mr. Michal Hašek, the President of the South Moravian Region; Mr. Roman Onderka, the Mayor of Brno; Mr. Karel Rais, the President of the Brno University of Technology; and Mr. Miroslav Doupovec, the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. From the very beginning, the Organising committee has made every effort to promote and publicise the Conference, the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region – a region traditionally connected with top quality wine and interesting, distinctive folklore.
I believe that the participants will be able to take back home not only new and interesting specialist knowledge but beautiful memories of Brno, its hospitality and sights as well. I hope that at least some of you will be able to use the opportunity to visit the surrounding areas and to explore natural beauties.
The Organising committee, the Scientific committee and the Steering committee would like to thank everybody who had contributed to the preparation of this conference and participated in the process of reviewing and accepting presentations. In addition, we would like to thank all companies for their interest in presenting their products at this conference and for their collaborative attitude. Finally, I would like to thank all sponsors, namely the South Moravian Regional Authority, the Brno City Council and the Brno University of Technology. Special thanks goes to the Spraying Systems CZ company.
I really appreciate the effort made by the Organising committee which – despite having no previous experience with organization of conferences of this type – has been working nearly faultlessly for the whole time of the preparation. I hope that this huge effort will be reflected in your experience.
In conclusion, let me emphasise that the Organising committee is ready to support you in every aspect so that you can enjoy the conference days in Brno in full. We believe that the 23rd Conference ILASS Europe 2010 will prove to be a pleasant and useful experience for each of you.