Dates - 15/07/1999 - 17/07/1999
Location - Toulouse, France
Proceedings Ed. Lavergne, 1999
Spray systems are without doubt a fascinating field of research with many practical
applications in medical, agricultural, aerospace, diesel engines and environmental fields, but
also in many industrial processes and, more general, in any multiphase situation.
Actually the protection of the environment requires a reduction of pollutant emissions and
therefore this aspect is a top priority for engine designers. It is well known that the injection
system plays a key role in the improvement of global performances and particularly in
pollutant emission reduction. Research on spray formation implies knowledge of many
fundamental and complex physical phenomena, but the rapid development of numerical tools
and non intrusive experimental techniques offer us different, complementary, ways of
exploring sprays. The vastness of the field of applications explains the large number of papers
presented at this conference.
” ILASS Europe 98 “, which was held in Manchester, has confirmed the great interest in spray
systems. Nearly 100 papers where presented during three parallel sessions. For ” ILASS
Europe 99 ” 130 papers have been proposed and more than 110 presentations have been
selected. The poster session has grown also : 13 posters are expected. The organising
committee has worked out a schedule for all presentations to fit in only three days. With such
a success, for the future, we might have to start to think of a four day conference. At least 160
registrants are expected, coming from East and Western Europe but also from North America,
Japan, Australia and Egypt.
This conference would not have been possible without the help of numerous organisations and
individuals whom I, hereby, warmly thank.
The local organising committee and the Committee members of ” ILASS Europe ” express
their grateful thanks to the industrials who have supported this meeting either by participation
or sponsoring.
Each of the numerous abstracts was reviewed by the Scientific Committee ( See the list on the
following page). I particularly thank all members of this committee. This group, composed of
engineers and scientists coming from Universities, Research centres and Industries, has
carried out an important task, either by soliciting or reviewing 130 papers.
Special thanks should also be given to the authors of the plenary lectures : O. SIMONIN :
IMFT Toulouse France, J.C. LASHERAS : University of San Diego USA, P. SMIGIELSKI :
ISL Saint Louis France and A.KLEITZ : EDF Chatou France. Besides the assistance of the
Scientific Committee and the Committee members of ILASS Europe, the organisation of this
event has been made possible thanks to the Organising Committee (see the list on the
following page). I particularly acknowledge the devotion and patience of my colleague
P. BERTHOUMIEU. He also carried out a lot of work during the preparation of this