Dates - 09/09/2002 - 11/09/2002
Location - Zaragoza, Spain
Preface from the ILASS-Europe 2002 Chairman
This Disk of Proceedings contains nearly all the papers presented in the 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems ILASS-Europe2002, held from September 9th to 11th in Zaragoza, Spain, organized under the auspices of ILASS-Europe by the Laboratory for Research in Combustion Technology (LITEC). The support and sponsorship of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, the University of Zaragoza and the Government of Aragón, Organizations that participate in LITEC is acknowledged and appreciated. Funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology is also gratefully acknowledged.
The papers here contained have been reviewed and accepted by the Scientific Committee members to whom we are grateful for his time and efforts in evaluating over 120 abstracts. I am indebted to Mr. José Antonio Picazo for having organized and prepared all the abstracts and papers enabling the edition of the present Disk.
The presence of atomization and sprays in processes directly related to Industrial Sectors especially important in the European Economy justifies the large scientific community working on liquid atomization and spray systems from theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. The ILASS-Europe meetings, being the only European Conferences specifically devoted to atomization and sprays provide a unique opportunity to present the state of the art in atomization research mainly in Europe, even thoguh scientists of all the Continents are represented in this event. This Conference series congregates most of the European spray research community, and serves as a forum to present the newest developments on fundamental and applied aspects of atomization and sprays. Although most of the delegates belong to Universities and Research Institutions, the Conference is also intended for researchers from industries and private companies. Presence of graduate students is also encouraged, because to maintain a level of excellence, the Scientific Community requires the incorporation of new members to ensure continuity of the work, and to bring new ideas and new approaches.
ILASS-Europe 2002 has also brought to us the opportunity to show Zaragoza and Spain to all the delegates who had never being here before, and although the City was not showing its brightest face due to some important refurbishment works in many of its main streets, I sincerely hope for ILASS-Europe 2002 to be remembered as a pleasant experience for all the participants, and a relevant contribution to the advance of the knowledge in atomization and sprays.
I want finally to thank all the delegates and sponsors of ILASS-Europe 2002 and all my coworkers at LITEC, whose contribution has made this Conference possible.
July 2002 Antonio Lozano
ILASS-Europe 2002 Chairman