A joint meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute will be held at
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, on 17 and 18 November 2016.
Scientists and engineers are invited to submit contributions on all aspects of combustion science and technology from fundamental physical and chemical processes to applications, including chemical kinetics, laminar and turbulent flames, combustion diagnostics, coal and biomass combustion,
spray and droplet combustion, fires, detonations and explosions, materials synthesis, engine combustion and energy systems. Research students particularly are encouraged to participate.
Authors are requested to submit extended abstracts of maximum length two pages by
15th October 2016. The abstracts should send by email to
mcosta@ist.utl.pt. The programme will consist of short oral presentations based on accepted extended abstracts.
Please visit
http://meeting-ist.wix.com/cisections-pt-sn to submit your abstract and for up-to-date information.